Senior Developer Advocate at Microsoft ★ GDE for Google ★ Ambassador for Auth0 ★ Angular and Node.js contributor
Open Web Docs is a new collective project between Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Coil, W3C, Samsung, and Igalia, to support the creation and maintenance...
Developer Advocates are engineers who love to learn in the open. · A few years ago I wrote this article called "What the heck is a developer advocate?"...
Here is a brief overview of what happens when you type in a URL in an address bar in a browser... This sketch note is under CC BY-NC-SA license.
I am not really good at memorizing scripts while recording videos of me talking to a camera. I usually spend hours recording multiple shots just to...
In this guide, we are going to see how to take a front-end Angular app, a backend API written in Rust and compiled to Web Assembly, and deploy...